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Health and Social Care

Carttec offers a comprehensive management system for healthcare centres, nursing homes and hospitals, designed to ensure the safety and well-being of the elderly. With advanced technologies, it optimises the control and monitoring of patients, ensuring their protection and improving the efficiency of careo


Horustec is an innovative indoor circulation management solution, registered by Carttec Group, specifically designed for healthcare facilities, nursing homes and hospitals. Its platform integrates advanced technologies such as Ultra Wide Band (UWB), Bluetooth Low Emission (BLE) and RFID, offering multiple useful functions to improve security and efficiency in these environments.


This system makes it possible to locate vulnerable patients, such as those with temporo-spatial disturbances or disorientation, in real time, preventing them from getting lost within the premises. In addition, Horustec monitors unwanted movements and sends automatic alerts to staff, triggering responses such as locking doors or activating alarms. For the peace of mind of family members and guardians, the system is highly effective and provides the security the patient needs.

Horustec also facilitates the location of critical assets, such as special beds, cranes or medical equipment, by detecting their exact location or whether they are in use. In case of unauthorised movements, the system generates a real-time alert to prevent the theft of these resources.


  • RFID: It offers a low implementation cost, allowing the location of patients and equipment in specific areas.
  • BLE: It uses active beacons, with Bluetooth low consumption technology, for automatic remote identification, providing greater accuracy than RFID.
  • UWB: With a location accuracy of up to 10 cm, it is the most advanced and accurate technology for patient and asset management, enabling risk anticipation through predictive algorithms.