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Legal notice

Disclaimer and information on the conditions of use of the website

In accordance with the information obligation envisaged in article 10 of Act 34/2002, of 11th July, on Information Society and E-Commerce Services, CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L., as the owner of the Website, states the following:

  1. Identifying data:
  • Company name: CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L.
  • Corporate address:Calle Valgrande 29, Nave G , 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid
  • Tax ID Code:B85108702
  • Email address:
  • Registration Data recorded in Trade Registry of Madrid: Volume 24265, Book 0, Page 199, Section 8, Sheet M-436175, Entry 1.

This information sets out and regulates the terms and use, limits of liability and the obligations that the users of the Website published under the domain name, take on and undertake to respect.

  1. Definitions
  • “Website”, the domain that is made available to Internet Users.
  • “User”, natural or legal person that uses or browses the Website.
  • “Content”, the webpages that comprise the entire domain, which include the information and services that CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. makes available to Internet Users. This includes messages, texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, logos, technology, links, textures, drawings, sound and/or image files, recordings, software, appearance, graphic design and source code and, in general, any kind of material contained in the Website.
  • “Web”, the technical word describing the system used to access information via Internet, which is configured through the webpages created in HTML or similar, and programming languages such as java, JavaScript, PHP, or others, etc. These pages designed and published under an Internet domain are the result of the information that the owner makes available to Internet Users.
  • “Hyperlink”, technique through which a user can browse different pages on the Website or by Internet, by simply clicking on a text, icon, button or indicative element containing the link.
  • “Cookies”, technical mechanism for “tracing” and monitoring of Website browsing. They are small text files that are written on the User’s computer. This technique has privacy implications, which is why CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. will provide reliable and due warning whenever any cookies are used or implemented on the Website.
  1. Users / Terms of use

By accessing and/or using the website, you implicitly become a USER and must accept, from the moment of that access and/or use, the present terms of use, without reservation, and each and every one of the general conditions and clauses included in the Legal Disclaimer.

If you do not accept the clauses and terms of use included in this Legal Disclaimer, you will abstain from using the Website.

  1. Use of the website provides access to articles information and data (hereinafter referred to as “THE CONTENTS”) belonging to CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. The USER takes on liability for their usage of the website.

Some of the pages on the Website ( may allow you to participate through writing comments, in which cases any user may send texts through the form provided for this purpose. On sending those texts and clicking on the corresponding link, the USER undertakes and agrees to use the contents that offers through its website adequately and to not use it to:

  • carry out any illicit or illegal activities or activities contrary to good faith and good public order.
  • disseminate contents or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic or illegal nature, or contents promoting or supporting terrorism or in violation of human rights.
  • cause damage to the physical and logical systems of, of its suppliers or of third parties, or transmit or disseminate computer viruses in the network or in any of the physical or logical systems, that  may be capable of causing the above mentioned damage.
  • try to access and if applicable use the email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages.
  • Finally, the USER undertakes to respect the applicable legislation, the generally accepted ethical practices and good faith, public order and these general access and usage terms and conditions.

For these purposes, THE USER undertakes and assumes the obligation of NOT using any of the Contents to any illicit ends or purposes, to any purposes prohibited in the Legal Disclaimer or by current legislation, that may be harmful to the third party rights or interests, or that may in any other manner damage, render unusable, overload, impair or impede the normal use of the Contents, the computer systems or the documents, files and all kinds of contents stored on any IT equipment or systems owned or contracted by CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L., of other Users or any Internet User (including hardware and software).

THE USER undertakes and assumes the obligation of not transmitting, disseminating or transferring to any third parties any of the materials contained on the Page, including but not limited to information, texts, data, contents, messages, graphics, images, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software, logos, brands, icons, technology, links, graphic designs and source code or any other material that they can access as Users of the Webpage.

Likewise and in accordance with all the above, THE USER may not:

  • Reproduce, copy, distribute, transfer or make available or in any other way publicly communicate, transform or modify the Contents, unless they have received the written and explicit authorisation from CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L., which is the owner of the corresponding rights, or unless doing so is legally permitted.
  • Delete, manipulate or any other way alter the copyright and all other data identifying the rights of CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. or any of its owners, of the digital fingerprints and/or identifiers, or any other technical resources established for recognition of such rights.
  • The User must abstain from obtaining and even trying to obtain the Contents, using any means or procedures other than those that, as applicable on a case-by-case basis, have been made available to the User for these purposes, or have been set out for these purposes on the Webpages where the Contents are located or those generally used on the Internet, for these purposes, provided they do not imply a risk of damage or rendering the Webpage and/or Contents unusable.

Equally, THE USER recognises:

  • That CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. will not be held liable in any manner for the opinions presented by the users, who act solely and exclusively under their own responsibility.
  • That the comments made by users do not represent the opinions of CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L., of its partners or of its employees.
  • That CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. in no way guarantees the publication of the contents sent by the users. In this sense, all the comments received shall be automatically passed through an anti-spam filter and moderated, in terms of the form, by an administrator of the Website, who will respect the democratic freedoms of expression and information at all times.

Likewise, CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. reserves the right to remove any comments and/or contributions that undermine or in any other way breach respect for a person’s dignity, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, that jeopardise or harm the youth and young children, public order or security or that, in the company’s opinion, are not suitable for publication.

In any case, will not be liable for the opinions presented by the users through its blog or through other tools of participation that may be created, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations and laws.

  1. Privacy policy. Data Protection

CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. is fully aware of the importance of protecting data, as well as THE USER’s privacy and therefore, it has implemented a data processing policy that is designed to provide maximum security in the usage and harvesting of data, guaranteeing fulfilment of the regulations in force in this area and configuring that policy as one of the basic pillars in its guidelines.

For this reason, CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. insists that Users must read its Privacy Policy

  1. Hyperlinks

As a service to our visitors, our website may include hyperlinks to other sites that are not operated or controlled by CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. Consequently, CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. does not guarantee and shall not be liable for the legality, reliability, utility, truthfulness and/or current validity of the contents on such websites or for their privacy practices. Please, before providing any personal information to these websites outside the control of, remember that their privacy policies may be different to ours.

Likewise, any persons who propose establishing hyperlinks between their Websites and ours ( must respect and fulfil the following conditions:

  • No previous authorisation will be necessary when the Hyperlink is limited to providing access to the homepage, but it may not reproduce that homepage in any way. Any other form of Hyperlink must previously be authorised by CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. expressly and unequivocally and in writing.
  • No “frames” shall be created with the Webpages or over the Webpages of CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L.
  • No false, inexact or offensive comments, statements or instructions shall be made regarding CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L., its executives, its employees or collaborators or any of the persons appearing on the Webpage for any reason or of the Users of the Webpage or the supplied Contents.
  • No declaration or statement, whether implicit or explicit, shall be made that might suggest that CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. has authorised the Hyperlink or that it has supervised or in any other way assumed the Contents offered or made available from the Webpage from where the Hyperlink is established.
  • The Webpage on which the Hyperlink is established may only contain what is strictly necessary to identify the Hyperlink destination.
  • The Website on which the Hyperlink is established will not contain illicit information or content, or information or content that is contrary to generally accepted ethical and good practices and to public order, or to any third party rights.
  1. Modification of Legal Disclaimer

In order to improve the features of the Website, CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. reserves the right to carry out, at any time and without requiring prior warning, modifications and updates of the information contained on the Website, of its configuration and design and of this Legal Disclaimer, as well as any other particular conditions. Therefore, THE USER must read the Legal Warning every time they access the Page.

  1. Intellectual / industrial property

CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. is the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as all the elements contained therein (including but not limited to images, sounds, audio, video, software or texts; brands or logos, colour combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs required for the Website’s functioning, access and use, etc.), and owned by CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. or by their licensors, and all rights are reserved.

Any usage not previously authorised by CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L., shall be considered a severe violation of the author’s intellectual or industrial property rights.

The USER undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights of CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. The USER may visualise elements of the website and even print them out, copy them and store them on their computer’s hard drive or on any other physical device, provided it is only and exclusively for their own personal and private use. The USER will not delete, alter, circumvent or manipulate any kind of protection device or security system that may be installed on the pages of CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L.

All brands, commercial names or distinctive insignia of any class appearing on the website are the property of CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. or where applicable, of third parties who have authorised their use, and in no case shall it be understood that usage or access to the Portal and/or the Contents provides the User with any right whatsoever over the abovementioned brands, commercial names and/or distinctive insignia, and none of the usage or exploitation rights that exist or may exist on those Contents shall be considered as ceded or transferrable to the User.

Equally, the Contents are the intellectual property of CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L., or of third parties, where applicable, and therefore, the Intellectual Property rights are held by CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. or by third parties who have authorised their use, who therefore have exclusive rights to use or exploit them, in any manner but especially in terms of the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation. The reproduction, distribution and public communication, including in terms of the transfer or ceding of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, in any support or by means of any technical media, is expressly forbidden, without the authorisation of CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L.

Non-authorised use of the information contained on this Website, and any harm to the Intellectual or Industrial Property rights of CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. or of third parties included in the Webpage, who have ceded contents, shall result in the legally established liabilities.

  1. Cookies

“Cookies” are a technical mechanism for “tracing” and monitoring Website browsing. They are small text files that are written on the User’s computer. This technique has privacy implications, which is why CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. hereby informs you that it may use cookies with the purpose of preparing usage statistics for the website and to identify the User’s PC, so that it can be recognised on subsequent visits. In any case, the user can configure their browser to stop the use of cookies when visiting the website.

CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. is fully aware of the importance of protecting data and the privacy of THE USER, which is why it insists that users read the Cookies Policy available on our website.

  1. Availability of the site

CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. does not guarantee that there will not be interruptions or errors when accessing the Website, its Contents, or that they will always be updated, although it will put its best efforts into avoiding, correcting or updating such situations. Consequently, CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. will not be held liable for damage or loss of any kind caused to THE USER as a result of faults or disconnections in telecommunications networks that cause suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Portal service, during the provision of the service or prior to that.

With the exceptions contemplated in current regulations and law, CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. will not be liable for any damage or harm of any nature that may result from lack of availability, continuity or quality in the functioning of the Website and the Contents, on not fulfilling the expected utility levels that users may attribute to the Website and the Contents.

The sole purpose of the Hyperlinks that appear on this website is to inform the user of the existence of other Websites that contain information on the same subject. Such Hyperlinks do not constitute a suggestion or imply any recommendation whatsoever.

CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. will not be liable for security faults that may occur, or for damage that may be caused to the user’s computer system (hardware and software), or to the files or documents stored in that system, as a consequence of:

  • The presence of a virus in the user’s computer that is used to connect to the services and contents of the Website,
  • Incorrect functioning of the browser or use of non-updated versions of the same.

CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. will not be liable for the contents of the linked website, for the functioning or utility of the Hyperlinks or the results of those links, and does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in those links that may cause alterations to the computer system (hardware and software) or the user’s files or documents, and thus will not be liable for any damage of any kind caused to the user for any of these reasons.

Access to the Website does not imply any obligation on the part of CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. to ensure the absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful element. In any case, the User will be responsible for ensuring that they have adequate tools for detecting and eliminating any harmful computer programmes and therefore, CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. will not be liable for possible security errors that may occur during provision of the Website service, or of any possible damage that may be caused to the user’s or third party computer systems (hardware and software) and/or the files or documents stored therein, as a consequence of the presence of a virus on the user’s computer used to connect to the Website’s services and contents, of any incorrect functioning f the browser or the use of non-updated versions of the same.

  1. Website Quality

Given the dynamic and changing environment of the information and services provided by means of the Website, CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. will put every effort into, but cannot guarantee, the truthfulness, accuracy, reliability, usability and/or current validity of the Contents.

The information contained in the pages that comprise the Portal is provided purely on an informational, consultative, informative and promotional basis. The information is not to be interpreted as binding or contractual under any circumstance.

CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. shall not be liable for any decisions THE USER may make based on this information, or for any typographic errors that are contained in the Website’s documents and graphics. The information and contents are subject to possible periodic changes without prior warning, as a result of additions, improvements, corrections or updated of those Contents.

  1. Availability of the Contents

In principle, the duration of the Website Services and Contents is in principle indefinite. Notwithstanding, CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. has the right to terminate or suspend the provision of the Website service and/or any of the Contents at any time. When reasonably possible, CART TECHNOLOGY, S.L. will warn users before that termination or suspension.

  1. Jurisdiction

In the event of any disagreement that may arise regarding the interpretation, application and fulfilment of this Legal Disclaimer, or any claims or complaints that may derive from its application or use of the Website, the parties involved expressly agree to be subject to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid, and expressly waiver their right to any other jurisdiction.

  1. Applicable Legislation

These terms and conditions are subject to the Laws and Regulations of Spain.


All copyright is reserved by international intellectual property laws and treaties. Any total or partial copying, reproduction or dissemination is strictly forbidden.