In the current situation it is necessary to control the temperature of those attending any public space.

Carttec has developed a reliable and fast temperature monitoring system, which allows taking the temperature of several people at the same time, with a detection of 30 users per image, speeding up the process, without slowing down access and without the need for dedicated personnel.

The temperature control system developed by CarttecLAB can be integrated into any of its capacity control and social distancing solutions.

Its main characteristics are:

  1. It detects the temperature with an error margin of ±0.3 degrees.
  2. Generates an alarm on the control computer if any user shows signs of fever.
  3. The temperature is detected instantaneously and is minimally invasive so that foot traffic is not affected at the entrance of the airport or boarding areas.
  4. It allows the temperature of the face to be measured, without counting other forms of heat and avoiding misinterpretation.
  5. The optimum distance for temperature detection is 3 meters.
  6. Real-time data from the different access points are displayed from the control station.
  7. The data collected by the camera is highly accurate and can be further processed.
  8. Installation is simple and fast.